WCN'23: Renal Pathology Course

These sessions highlight scientific and educational kidney health issues covering a range of topics for more targeted audiences. This years Renal Pathology Course covers; clinicopathological as well as renal pathology basics and updates.


Renal Pathology Course - Clinicopathological Conference
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Open to view video. To improve a comprehensive diagnostic approach on kidney disease through the real case presentations, this session of CPC will include six cases discussed with one nephrologist and six pathologists presenting renal biopsies.
Renal Pathology Course - The Basics
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Open to view video. To get the moving point of infection related kidney disease and the latest views on the common glomerulopathies, this session will focus on contemporary areas of renal pathology including recent developments and updates in diagnostic practice.
Renal Pathology Course - Updates
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Open to view video. To understand the application and combination of newly developed technology with renal disease practice, this session will focus on selected new technological developments in the field of nephropathology, including AI and mass spectrometry, and challenging areas in diagnostic, including CKD of unknown origin and transplant pathology.
Certificate of Completion
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available