WCN'21 CKD Theme Symposium
Recorded On: 04/11/2021
WCN'21 CKD Theme Symposium

Territory Kidney Care: Improving CKD Detection and Management in a Jurisdiction With the Heaviest Burden of Complex Chronic Disease
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Potential Antidiabetic Plants Stemming From Cree Traditional Medicine: An Integrated Participatory Community-based Approach
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Daily Highlights - CKD: How to Achieve Equitable, Inclusive and Ethical AI Development and Implementation
Artificial Intelligence for Augmented Decision Making in Medicine
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How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Equity in Health Care
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What Role can Advanced Practice Professionals and Others Play
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MDC CKD Care in Thailand: How do we Get There, How do we Sustain it?
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Managing the Burden of End-stage Kidney Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Management of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: Recommendations from KDIGO
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Diagnosis and Management of SRNS in Children: IPNA Clinical Practice Recommendations
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Steroid Minimization in Nephrotic Syndrome - Emerging Evidence Challenging Dogma
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