Kidney Care Ethics Resources
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The resources in this section have been curated to help you in identifying potential sources of ethical advice or insights into ethical challenges in kidney care. They also aim to inspire you as you take action in exploring or addressing ethical issues. Dive into these resources and find the different perspectives and analysis of ethical issues in different contexts of professional practice in kidney care around the world.

Training Course on Ethics in Implementation Research: participant's guide
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TDR and WHO's Global Health Ethics team have jointly developed a training course for researchers and research ethics committees on the important ethical considerations in implementation research (IR). The course comprises six interactive modules interspersed with activities including case studies, role-play and quizzes:
Module 1: Introduction to IR
Module 2: Ethical considerations in IR
Module 3: Ethical issues in planning IR
Module 4: Ethical issues in conducting IR
Module 5: Ethical issues post-IR
Module 6: In-depth ethical analysis of IR using case studies
Declaration of Istanbul on organ trafficking and transplant tourism (2018 Edition)
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Guiding Principles on human cell tissue and organ transplantation
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WMA International code of ethics
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Se redacta un código ético en la Sociedad Española de Nefrología - Spanish
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Ética y nefrología. Consensos de la Sociedad Española de Diálisis y Trasplante (SEDYT) - Spanish
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Código de Conduta da Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia [Internet]. São Paulo: SBN; 2020 - Portuguese
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Recomendaciones del Comité de Ética de la Sociedad Chilena de Nefrología para el manejo de los problemas ético-clínicos de pacientes adultos con enfermedad renal crónica terminal - Spanish
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Sociedad Espanola de Nefrologia - Spanish
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Turk Nefroloji Dernegi - Turkish
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Societe Francophone de Nephrologie Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT) - French
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Sociedad Chilena de Nefrologia - Spanish
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European Renal Association (ERA)
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American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
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Ethical Issues in the Care of Vulnerable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: The Elderly, Cognitively Impaired, and Those From Different Cultural Backgrounds
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The Full Spectrum of Clinical Ethical Issues in Kidney Failure. Findings of a Systematic Qualitative Review
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Ethical Issues in Dialysis Therapy
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Ethical Challenges in Nephrology: a Call for Action
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Priority-setting Dilemmas, Moral Distress and Support Experienced by Nurses and Physicians in the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway
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Moral Distress in Nephrology: Perceived Barriers to Ethical Clinical Care
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Ethics in Research: Relevance for Nephrology
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Priority Setting as an Ethical Imperative in Managing Global Dialysis Access and Improving Kidney Care
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Ethical Considerations Regarding Pregnancy in Chronic Kidney Disease
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Caring for Pregnant Patients With CKD---An Ethical Discussion of 5 Cases
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Is It Ethical to Test Apparently “Healthy” Children for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and Risk Medicalizing Thousands?
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The Ethics of Chronic Dialysis for the Older Patient: Time to Reevaluate the Norms
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Ethical Challenges with Hemodialysis Patients Who Lack Decision-making Capacity: behavioral issues, surrogate decision-makers, and end-of-life situations
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Addressing the Ethical Challenges of Providing Kidney Failure Care for Children: A Global Stance
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Orphan Drug Policies and Use in Pediatric Nephrology
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Could Minors be Living Kidney Donors? A Systematic Review of Guidelines, Position Papers and Reports
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Ethical Challenges in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
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Sustaining Life or Prolonging Dying? Appropriate Choice of Conservative Care for Children in End-stage Renal Disease: an Ethical Framework
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Kidney Transplantation and Patients Who Decline SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: an Ethical Framework
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Moral Distress and Moral Injury in Nephrology During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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At Least 156 Reasons to Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients Receiving In-centre Haemodialysis
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Ethical Review of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Transplant Center Staff and Patients
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Ethical Challenges in Managing Unvaccinated Patients Receiving Chronic In-centre haemodialysis
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Ethics of Kidney Care in the Era of COVID-19
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Scarce Health Care Resources and Equity during COVID-19: Lessons from the History of Kidney Failure Treatment
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Ethical Duties of Nephrologists: When Patients Are Nonadherent to Treatment
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In Defense of Patient Autonomy in Kidney Failure Care When Treatment Choices Are Limited
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Proposal for the Shared Decision-Making Process Regarding Initiation and Continuation of Maintenance Hemodialysis
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Ethical Principles and Processes Guiding Dialysis Decision-Making
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