ISPD-ISN Webinar: 2023 update on the ISPD Catheter-related Infection Recommendations
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In May 2023, the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) published updated recommendations for the prevention and treatment of catheter-related infections, This webinar presents the major changes in this update with Prof. KM Chow as one of the main authors and Prof Ana Figueiredo providing the PD nurse's point of view. The webinar presents the updated targets and definitions, the new exit-site care and antibiotic treatment suggestions. and the novel catheter interventions included in these recommendations. It will offer an opportunity to get an insight into how the combined work of doctors and nurses can result in a reduction of infections and an improvement in the well-being of people living with kidney disease. This webinar was co-organised with the ISN.

Ana Elizabeth Figueiredo
Ana Figueiredo, RN, ENB 136, MSc, PhD is a Professor at, School of Nursing at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Ms Figueiredo has been working with renal patients since 1985, with both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis; her primary focus on PD research is to improve outcomes for PD patients. She has numerous publications, including Guidelines for PD training for the International Society for PD (ISPD). She served on the ISPD Council from 2001-2006, chaired the Nurse Liaison Committee of ISPD from 1998-2001 and now is part of the committee and received the Barbara Prowant Lifetime Achievement Award in the Field of Nephrology in 2014. She is Chair of Kidney Health Professionals Working Group of ISN. Still works in the fields and is a speaker and consultant on PD and CQI projects around the world.

Jeffery Perl

Kai Ming Chow
Hong Kong