ISN-Middle East Regional Board Webinar: Epidemiology and Management of Glomerulonephritides — Middle East Perspective
Recorded On: 01/21/2021
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ISN-Middle East Regional Board Webinar: Epidemiology and Management of Glomerulonephritides — Middle East Perspective

Farin Rashid Farokhi

Hiba Barghouti

Tariq Zayan

Ali AlSahow

Saeed Al-Ghamdi
Saudi Arabia

Sabine Karam
Head of the division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center in Beirut, Lebanon and assistant professor of clinical medicine at the faculty of medicine and medical sciences of the University of Balamand in Lebanon. Deputy chair of the Young Nephrologists Committee of the Internal Society of Nephrology (ISN) and a member of the 2021 cohort of the Emerging Leaders Program of the ISN.Clinical and research interests include Global Kidney Health, Onco-Nephrology, Hypertension and Peritoneal dialysis.