ISN-Cochrane Webinar: Pharmacological Interventions for Heart Failure in People with Chronic Kidney Disease
Recorded On: 12/07/2021
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In its continued partnership with Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, ISN is pleased to present the ISN-Cochrane Webinar: Pharmacological interventions for heart failure in people with chronic kidney disease.
Pharmacologicalinterventionsthat are effective in people without CKDareof uncertain benefit and may increase the risk of harm in those with CKD.We did asystematic reviewof RCTs of pharmacologicalinterventions forheart failure in people with CKD. Evidence from the 112 studiesthat metour eligibility criteria wasuncertain and insufficient to inform clinicalpractice. Study data for treatment outcomes in patients with heart failureand CKD are sparse despite the potential impact of kidney impairment onthe benefits and harms of treatment

Meaghan Lunney